
This is an open call for interested women in west and southern Africa to be a part of the electoral committee to enable regional and gender representation as well as provide the necessary experiential support towards ensuring a free and fair election.


This year, with the adoption of the new constitution, 8 board positions are up for election which means more demand on the committee to carry out the responsibilities below;

  • Overseeing all tasks carried out throughout the elections period
  • The final approval of election plans and bye-laws laws
  • The review of nominee submissions, and approval/reject the invitations to apply for a board position
  • The review of candidate applications and provide a final verdict for approval/rejection following election guidelines
  • Setting the guidelines for the campaigns of candidates
  • Offering necessary advice and support for a free and fair election
  • Anchoring alongside an existing board member, the election and also declaring the winners based on votes.

To be eligible to apply, applicants must;

  • Be an active member of the network for at least 1 year
  • Be a hub Manager or on the Management team of the hub
  • Be willing to dedicate their time and expertise toward the success of the election
  • Not intend to run for any board position for this year (2023)

Having electoral experience will be an added advantage.

To send in your application please click on the link;

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